Tuesday, August 31, 2010

First Post Ever!

       As this is my first blog post ever, I suppose I should start off with a tidbit of information about myself.  My name is Jacqueline, I usually go by Jackie though, and I am a junior in college.  I was actually apprehensive about starting this blog for my Colloquium class as I have never done anything similar to this before, but I think I am starting to get the hang of it now.  As you can tell from the title of this blog, I love crafts.  I went to art school for years when I was younger, and have done a variety of artsy things such as painting (acrylic, watercolor, etc.), ceramics, sculpture, scrap booking, latch hooking, and a lot of other little things. Currently however, I am obsessed with knitting and have been for the last couple of years. It is something I am very passionate about. However, this blog will be about my adventures in my Colloquium class, a class in which I can already tell we will be heading outside a lot. Thus, the title of my blog was formed.
       As soon as I walked in the door of my University Colloquium class, I knew it would be interesting and I knew it would make me think about the world we live in a little more.  Even though I have been attending FGCU for two years now, I haven't given as much thought as I should to how it is an environmentally friendly university.  I think a lot of people are concerned with the here and now, and don't take into consideration how it can affect us and future generations.  At one point during the first class, everyone went around listing pressing problems in the world that are affecting our environment. At first I thought it would be impossible to think of that many, but the board was filled with answers such as lack of recycling, air pollution, endangered species, etc.  The list seems to have no end and it was an eye opener to see how many issues in our world need changing.  I hope that with this class, I will learn more about the world we are harming and the efforts it will take to try to put it back on the right path. 
        Being in nature seems so comforting and peaceful, so I am looking forward to the field trips in this class, but I suppose the other aspect we will learn about is how the beautiful things we are witnessing are slowly being destroyed by modern culture.  Just by going on the first field trip, I learned so much about FGCU.  We went to areas of campus I didn't even know about and I learned that the type of tree growing in my backyard at home is a Live Oak. I hadn't known this prior to being shown one growing on campus. In summary, I hope that by taking this class, I will learn a little more about environmental sustainability and about the effects humans are having on the environment.

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