Saturday, December 10, 2011

Almost done with school...and a garden in place!!

              Wow, a ton to catch up on.  First off I did really well on my last Analytical Chemistry a 97%!!!  Then we had Thanksgiving break and it was such a relief to be able to relax and enjoy the break instead of having to do a ton of stuff that would be due right when getting back.  Thanksgiving was really wonderful, got to see and spend time with my grandparents and also my greataunt.  And the next day we decorated for Christmas.  I didn't go out anywhere on Black Friday for shopping...never reallly wanted anything so bad that I was willing to wait in one of those lines for it.  Then back to a week of class in which I had finals for two classes and started my take home final/project for the third. 
              I had a bit of an interesting experience yesterday. Decorating for Christmas and setting up a vegetable garden in the same day.  Even after over seven years of living in Florida, I still think as though we live in a place that has more distinct seasons, instead of hot and rainy for summer months and slightly cooler and dry the rest of the year.  Shorts and tanktops on Christmas Day are still hard to comprhend, but it is usually warm enough to wear them.  Anyway, it was a great day yesterday setting up the garden.  I already had some raised beds set up, but they were getting too much shade in the area where they were we moved them to a sunnier spot. 
              Christmas decorating went well, but I didn't get to partake in a lot of it because I spent the majority of my time working on my final paper for virology.  It took a lot of work and was a very time consuming process because of  all the primary literature sources that I had to look up for it...but at Sunday afternoon at about 1:30pm I was ecstatic because I had finally finished it.  Of course that meant I now had time to fiddle with strings of lights to determine why they weren't working; this was a futile effort however because after replacing a ton of bulbs, there was no difference...oh well, you can't say I didn't try. 
                Then in the afternoon, we put a couple of tomato plants into the beds and I also transplanted two of my pepper plants, but I don't know if they are going to survive the move.  We also purchased quite a few seedpackets and one of these containers that had peat pots in them so you are able to start the seedlings indoors and then put them out into the garden.  Some of the plants we are going to try are carrots, peppers, squash, cucumbers, peas, beans, and of course the tomatoes.  There may be a few more but I can't actually recall them right now.  In addition to these, we also planted a blackberry bush.  Don't know what will happen with it, but we did get one of those kits to test the pH of the soil and so now we know what to add so that it is in the correct range. 
                So now I have I handed in my Virology project, I took my final exam in Medical terminology (which was kind of difficult but I am not concerned because I am pretty much guaranteed an A in the class based on the scores of my other three tests and the extra credit papers I did), and I also took my final exam in Scienc in the Movies last Tuesday ( Very easy if you studied for it, all  multiple choice and short answer...and I already learned I scored a 102% on it...Woo hoo!!!) so it is really coming down to the end.  I have my final class in senior seminar coming up...we actually have a party on the last day and are doing a toast to our futures  My sister even made cookies for me to bring to the class since some people are bringing a fruit dish..some are bringing cups and napkings, etc.  I was just going to pick up some store bought cookies at Publix, but she went all out, making a recipe with dried cranberries, chocolate chips, and toffee pieces in them.  They taste so good!!!
        I plan on going to Zumba class again tonight.  It is supposed to be up and running again so I can't wait to go...there are only going to be a couple more classes until it is the end of the semester.  So cross your fingers it isn't cancelled!!  What else...oh yes, The Hunger Games.  I have gotten more than halfway through this book and if I wasn;t having to spend time studying or doing projects for school, I would have been done a long time ago.  It really is addictive and I know that I am going to have to get and read the other books in the series.   I have also gotten a lot more done on my Tilted Duster.  It is a really fun project and I just hope that I have enough yarn in order to finish it.  I will post pictures of it when I have more progress done on it.