Thursday, October 20, 2011

Almost a year later!

The view from Fira, Santorini!
Hello Again!

Sorry to have not written in so long.  Since this blog had started out as a class project, I was unsure of what to do with it once the class ended.  Well that was a little less than a year ago now, and I have just been letting it sit so I think it is time to give a bit of an update of what is going on.  In regards to Colloquium class,  I still appreciate everything I learned in that class and all of the trips we went on, if only for the sole purpose that it was so different from any other class I have ever attended.  In other college career is nearing the finish line.  I plan to graduate in the spring with a major in biology as well as a minor in both chemistry and interdisciplinary studies.  The real question is where do I go from here???  I think that is probably the question on the minds of almost everyone about to graduate.

I have decided that I would like to pursue a career in medicine and I have been working towards the goal of becoming a Physician Assistant, taking the necessary classes and filling out applications.  There is no telling what will happen, but I am keeping my fingers crossed.  Otherwise, I have a few ideas for backup options that will keep me headed on the right path, so the situation doesn't seem quite that dire just yet.

I did want to mention that one of the classes I am taking this semester I find to be absolutely amazing.  It is called Senior Seminar and is sort of a capstone to everything we have done up to this point, but it really challenges you to think about your life.  I had to write a 10-12 page paper about my life story so far and try to find the thread that runs through it, connecting my life events.  Let me tell you, doing this assignment really makes you think about the choices you have made in the past and how they relate to where you are now and where you are headed.  Just by writing the paper and reading over it, I grew to know myself even more so and discovered some things I hadn't previously known.  It is a class that makes you think about life and how what we do really does make a difference, whether it is good or bad.  You don't get too many of those courses when majoring in the sciences so it really was refreshing.

I have been on a hiatus from knitting for awhile...getting back into the swing of things with school kind of put knitting on the back burner for a bit.  But I am getting restless and when I pulled out my half completed project a few days ago, I just wanted to jump right into it.  It is such a relaxing and peaceful hobby that it actually helps me to de-stress so I am going to try and take some time each day, even if it is just fifteen minutes, to knit a bit.  My current project is the Tilted Duster which is a wonderful pattern written by Norah Gaughan. I am have finished both sleeves, both front pieces, and I had actually finished the back piece first, but it came out kind of wonky, so I am currently redoing it.  It is fun to knit, but I have procrastinated on it so of course it seems like I have started it forever ago.  I would say it would be nice to finish it before the weather gets cold enough to wear it ( since we are in Florida, I should still have a decent amount of time :)  but knowing me, I will finish it just in time for next summer.

Well, that is the update so far.  I will try to post more often so I can stay up to date on all the happenings. 
P.S.   Here are some Europe pictures from a trip over the summer.  Fantastic, Mediterranean cruises are highly recommended!!

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