Sunday, November 20, 2011

Catching up

It has been a pretty great week so far.   Busy but interesting and fun as well.

So, I went to another play at the FGCU theater lab on Friday and I have to say that after the five plays I have seen throughout my years here, it was the best one!!  The theater lab is very small and so there weren't many seats for the audience (I would say no more than 35-40 people were in the audience), but in this case it was nice and it allowed the theater to put on a play that was more intimate.  The scenery was really nice, it was as if we were outside in a snowy forest of birch trees in Siberia where the play was taking place.  The play was actually a rendition of the famous Chekhov play called 'Three Sisters'.  The actors were absolutely fantastic.  I think the biggest disappointment is that such a small percentage of the student population attends these plays and for a larger university, you would think that more funds would be allocated to building up this department.  I hope that it gets more publicity and a bigger following and venue in years to come.

Then on Saturday I went and saw the fourth twilight movie.  I usually wait until a movie has been out for awhile to go, and I wasn't really excited to see this one.  I knew I would go see it eventually, but I hadn't been waiting for it to come out like I had for some of the ones in the past.  But I didn't really have much going on that night and I thought that I might as well go and see it.  I couldn't believe how good it was.  They did a wonderful job of staying true to what happened in the book, but threw in a lot of laughs.  I loved the way they ended it.  Since they divided the fourth book, Breaking Dawn, into two movie installments, I had been curious to where they would stop.  But I think they did it perfectly and there were quite a few gasps in the audience as they showed the very last moment of this first movie.  I won't give anything away, but I would actually consider seeing this one in theaters again.  It was that good.

They showed a few previews for upcoming movies before they showed the Twilight movie.  One of them was for the Hunger Games, which is a widely popular book series which I have yet to read.  But I think I am going to try to read it before the movie comes out since we have quite a while until then.  There are a few other movies coming out that I am excited to go see, and one of them is 'One for the Money' based off of Janet Evanovich's book series.  I have read most of the series and the first five or six books were my absolute favorites.  The book is written so wonderfully that I would be reading it and laughing hysterically.  I don't think I have read another book series that was as funny as this one!

Well, I better get to finishing another senior seminar paper and studying for the analytical chem test.  The paper is another interesting one, a letter to my current self from my 25 years in the future self (kind of hard to write as I am having to try and think of what my future self would tell the current me what is important in life and what lessons I am learning now will I carry through my life.  Difficult, but interesting.  Unfortunately the analytical chemistry is just difficult and very uninteresting...but come Tuesday at 4:45, it is goodbye school, hello Thanksgiving break!!!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Where does the time go...

  I can't believe that it is already the middle of November and Thanksgiving is next week already.  The time really seems to just fly by.  But I do love this time of year (so many holidays, birthdays, etc. all at once!!!) so I am not complaining too much.

             Friday was fun as we went out to a restaurant called Ariani's. It is this really nice Italian restaurant and the food there is delicious.  I really liked the way they have the place decorated; it is very cozy feeling and they designed the restaurant in a way that since there are so many partitions, it doesn't seem crowded at all.  I ended up ordering the linguine with meatballs and had the Chocolate Suicide cake for desert.  I had a hard time choosing though, all of the options sounded really great, especially all of the desert choices.

             Then on Saturday, we went to the Coconut Festival.  It is held every year and the last time I had gone was maybe six or seven years ago during the first time it was held.  It was so different this year, I couldn't believe how much it had grown over the years.  They had a ton of carnival rides and games and they had a huge stage with some really great bands playing.  There was this one band called Draw the Line.  They were an Aerosmith tribute band and the lead singer even looked a lot like and acted exactly like Steven Tyler. They were really great and we had a wonderful time.  They had fireworks afterwards, and honestly, these were some of the best fireworks I have seen in a long time, even better than the 4th of July.  I am still astonished how many people were there and how big the festival had gotten.  Of course, it seems like the coconut is no longer the central focus and the only time I ever saw anything having to do with coconuts was on some signs advertising for the event as well as some coconut shaped containers that people had their drinks served in. 

            We even spent a couple of bucks to try that game where you toss rings and try to get one to land on the top of a beer bottle.  Even though it is so unlikely we would have won (and by the way, we didn't) it was still fun to just try it.  Afterwards, however, I realized that it is pretty much impossible to win because the lady working the tent showed some people who just walked up how the ring has to land onto the beer bottle.  Since the diameter oof the inner circle of the ring is only a little bit bigger that the beer bottle, there was absolutely no room for error and I think it is probably a one in a million chance of actually getting it on there.

          Now, as far as academics, I presented my power point project in Science in the Movies class today about The Day after Tomorrow.  I think it went fairly well, now I can just sit back next week and watch the rest of the people in the class who haven't presented take their turn.  It is quite a relief that it is over. I am glad I went and now it is done with and now I don't have to think about it anymore.  I have a Virology epidemiology assignment due on Monday and my third Analytical Chemistry test due on Tuesday, so along with the regular work there is a lot coming up, but at least it will all be over by the time Thanksgiving comes around!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Another day gone...

Lately I have been going to a Zumba class.  Actually, I only went to one class so far, but it was fantastic and I really felt like I got a lot out of it.  I was very excited to go again, but I just found out now that it has been cancelled for the next few upcoming weeks.  Uggh, it just figures.  So we will see what happens with that; I hope the classes get back on schedule soon.

This science in the movies class I am taking is pretty interesting.  I just finished a paper in which we had to watch a movie that was fiction, but contained science in it, and then write a paper on how accurate and realistic the science was based on how the movie portrayed it.  I chose to watch 'The Day After Tomorrow'.   I have watched this movie so many times, it just made sense to do it.  The craziest thing was that after I did research, I learned it is based off some scientifically sound underlying concepts.  The whole idea that the thermohaline circulation can shut down due to a large influx of fresh water from glaciers that are melting because of global warming is a possibility. 

However, the movie goes quite astray when it shows that the whole world enters into a new ice age.  In actuality, only areas that are warmed by the circulation pattern would be affected and it would be probably a ten degree drop in temps at most.  Another thing is this type of abrupt climate change would occur over a period of decades, not days.  So, now I learned about how global warming could cause cooling in certain areas. Pretty interesting!!!

Last excitement for the day, ended up getting Rita's ice.  I always go for the Strawberry, not sure why.  Even during the one time I got a different flavor, halfway through I was wishing I had gone with the strawberry instead, even though it still tasted really good.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Nothing Much Except....

I applied to graduate today.  It is super early and I still have to finish up the spring semester, but there was something about sitting in the advisers office and watching her going through all of my credits, checking over anything I might be missing, that really made it clear that my college career is going to be coming to a close soon. Good news in that I am not missing anything and I only have to finish out the spring semester with the classes I have already registered for.  Bio degree, here I come!

Just trying to make sure I am getting everything I need to get done for PA school application process ready and complete. I am just waiting on my GRE scores, they should be coming in tomorrow so fingers crossed!!

I have really been craving chili for awhile.  We make this meatless version of it and it has kidney beans, corn and diced tomatoes, plus a bunch of different spices in it and then serve it over orzo or rotini noodles.  A different kind of version, not sure if it should really even be called chili, but it is great.  SO, I will try to remember to make it soon.  Hopefully I will be able to post at least every couple of days from now on if I am diligent enough....we will see.