Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Another day gone...

Lately I have been going to a Zumba class.  Actually, I only went to one class so far, but it was fantastic and I really felt like I got a lot out of it.  I was very excited to go again, but I just found out now that it has been cancelled for the next few upcoming weeks.  Uggh, it just figures.  So we will see what happens with that; I hope the classes get back on schedule soon.

This science in the movies class I am taking is pretty interesting.  I just finished a paper in which we had to watch a movie that was fiction, but contained science in it, and then write a paper on how accurate and realistic the science was based on how the movie portrayed it.  I chose to watch 'The Day After Tomorrow'.   I have watched this movie so many times, it just made sense to do it.  The craziest thing was that after I did research, I learned it is based off some scientifically sound underlying concepts.  The whole idea that the thermohaline circulation can shut down due to a large influx of fresh water from glaciers that are melting because of global warming is a possibility. 

However, the movie goes quite astray when it shows that the whole world enters into a new ice age.  In actuality, only areas that are warmed by the circulation pattern would be affected and it would be probably a ten degree drop in temps at most.  Another thing is this type of abrupt climate change would occur over a period of decades, not days.  So, now I learned about how global warming could cause cooling in certain areas. Pretty interesting!!!

Last excitement for the day, ended up getting Rita's ice.  I always go for the Strawberry, not sure why.  Even during the one time I got a different flavor, halfway through I was wishing I had gone with the strawberry instead, even though it still tasted really good.

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